Place Based Natural Resource Management and Stewardship

The Area 25 Roundtable is the primary contact for DFO related to multi-sectoral/interests making recommendations to the Department on “in-season” decisions related to salmon harvesting in Area 25.
The goals of the Harvest Roundtable are to ensure fishing plans are coordinated and integrated, to identify
potential conflicts, and make recommendations for solutions if possible.
Representatives at the Roundtables include:
Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation
Ehattesaht First Nation
Nuchatlaht First Nation
T'aaq-wiihak Fisheries
Area D Gillnet
Area B Seine
Nootka Sound Watershed Society
Sport Fish Advisory Committee
Tahsis Enhancement Society
Village of Gold River
Village of Tahsis
Fisheries and Oceans
Facilitation and communications is provided by West Coast Aquatic.
Stewardship programs in the region are led by the Nootka Sound Watershed Society.