Place Based Natural Resource Management and Stewardship
Stewardship Roundtable
The purpose of the Area 26 Stewardship (Full) Roundtable is to bring together all parties that have an interest in/impact on natural resources (including fish and fish habitat) so they can collaboratively work on sustainable resource management issues that are of common interest/concern. This Roundtable is a forum that recognized the interrelationships between sectoral interests, and encourages landscape level and ecosystem based resource management discussions.
Members include, and invitations have been made to:
Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Chek’tles7et’h First Nations
Uu-a-thluk (NTC Fisheries)
Sport Fishing Advisory Board (SFAB)
Area 26 Lodges
Commercial Fisheries - Areas D (Gillnet), G (Troll) and B (Seine) of the Commercial Salmon Advisory Board (CSAB), and other relevant DFO Advisories (e.g. Groundfish, Herring)
Aquaculture - Sablefish
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Resource Management, Stock Assessment, Community Advisor, Restoration, Treaty Implementation
Forestry – Western Forest Products, Interfor, BC Timber Sales, Woodlots, KCFN Forestry Venture, Small Scale Salvage
BC Parks
BC Government – FLNRO&RD, Environment, Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation
Local and Regional Government – Strathcona Regional District
Energy - Kyuquot Power
Other parties that serve as a resource to the Roundtable include:
MC Wright and Associates
West Coast Aquatic (facilitation, communications)
For more information, contact Roundtable Facilitator Tim Hawkins